I'm really drawn to the Private Collection. Some of the products focus on kind of a biological defination while others on an emotional.
This one is more biological. It's called Detail.mgx. It's a fingerprint lampshade, which I'm feeling particularily fond of after phalanges. It's made by Dan Yeffet and it's about the privacy you give up by sharing your fingerprint.
This is Downlod.mgx. It's by ross Lovegrove. The pen is based on the negative shape his hand makes.
This is Silver_Shaman.mgx by Arik Levy. This addresses an emotional side of priivacy. It's a vessel to carry momentoes in. I think it's just lovely.
This is Especially_For_You.mgx by Amanda Levete. It forms a bowl that says "this is designed especially by me for you with love" .
I really like the idea of the Private collection. It htink that for my project I'll proabably use this idea as m y base. I haven't decided if I want to go an emotional or biological route thoguh, b/c I find both sides interesting. I might try to include both but I don't want it to get too busy. I'll explore it in my thumbnails.
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