Sunday, March 30, 2008

New Goal!

I've decided that I will blog about a new artist/awesome jewelry AT LEAST once a week. I will also try and do updates on projects more often, but my main goal is the artist once a week thing. And I know, I know, "but Lizzy, there's less than half a semester left! That's not that many new artists..." Calm yourselves. I'm going to try and keep it up over the summer.


Jangrrrrl said...

Great! Hooray!

tdolan said...

You make me feel bad - my only goal is to get my next project done! I think I need to come up with some goals! Looking forward to yours.

Katy Ginger said...

Lizzy you are so funny! This post made me giggle. I think this is a really good idea, especially the keeping it up over the summer part.