Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ethical metalsmiths

Wow, I was looking over project sheets and realized that, while I had actually done readings, I didn't seem to have blogged about them? I need to get better at this.

So I just reviewed the Price of Gold. It once again astounded me that everything just seemed to get worse and worse as the article went on. No matter how bad, it got worse. I felt similar to Jo--where have I been? How did I not know? The mercury particularly struck me, but I think hat's cause I read an article when I was a child about kids who like ate Mercury and I've been freaked out ever since. But, I mean, for good reason. Mercury is bad for you. Unfortunately, it seems prevalent in San Fransisco, which is where I want to live someday. The stuff about riverine trailing disposal--how awful.

The end about gold consumption was a really good point to have. I mean really, things are only worth what we make them out to be worth. We (the consumer culture) are the ones demanding things and ultimately raising the prices etc. Same thing.

Crit tomorrow!Bed!

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