Monday, September 17, 2007

I wanted to start posting things that I like, but it's so hard becasue I like so many things! I've been looking at ever sense Megan assigned it to the fibers class and I love it. I love everything on there. Here are some favorites:
These come in other bright colors and different styles! They're so bright! They're by
These are laser cut paper panels by Emily Morris, who is a recent graduate. I think it's really interting becasue it's all lattice work of insects.

This is a rug by indib. There's no link to a website, so I'm assuming they don't have one yet. But they're beautiful.

This is by dunford wood. They have a lot of really pretty maemade wallpaper, all avaible in different color schemes. I love having color options. Designsponge has a lot fo cool wallpaper on their blog.

AlsoI've been checking out the alumni stuff and I really really like

I think this is my favorite of her peices, but really they're all pretty tight. And the other designers in the shop are great too. But that's my favorite.


Jangrrrrl said...

is the background pattern etched or roll printed? (You can ask Annie.)

dizzylizzy said...

At first I thought it was roll printed but I think I heard some one say it was etched and that makes more sense. The design would have warped if it was roll printed.

Jangrrrrl said...

Good! you are learning.